Justine: Setting Goals for National Writing Conferences, Part 3

justine covington, eight ladies writing, romance writingTwo weeks ago, I talked about my goals for my writing before Nationals, and last week I blogged about SMART goals (which are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-Oriented/Relevant, and Time-bound).

This week I’m looking at the work I have to accomplish to see if I can indeed get my book done by the end of May, prior to RWA Nationals in July.

First, lets look at what I have left to do: Continue reading

Justine: Setting Goals for National Writing Conferences, Part 2

goals for writing conferences, justine covington, eight ladies writing, setting goals, SMART goals, S.M.A.R.T.In last week’s blog post, I outlined the major goals I want to achieve before July’s RWA Nationals in New York City. This week, I’m going to introduce a way to plan for and achieve that goal. (I know…last week, I said I’d have a detailed plan, but I thought it more important to show you how I was going to develop the plan…next week, I’ll show you the result.)

I thought it pretty timely that a few weeks ago, I learned about goal-setting at my most recent local chapter meeting, Desert Rose RWA. Deena Remiel, a teacher and workshop presenter, introduced us to S.M.A.R.T. goals, which are Continue reading