Michaeline: Open Forum on Heartbleed Bug and Other Internet Issues

Protecting your heart against the knaves of the internet

Protecting your heart against the knaves of the internet

I’ve been keeping an eye on the Heartbleed and Yahoo! Mail DMARC problems all week, but I don’t like to act too quickly on internet panics. The 2YK virus passed me by without even a ripple in real life (although that was my first, biggest and best internet panic), and I’ve survived a few other things that turned out to be not such a big deal. I figured I’d wait until the weekend and change the passwords then, after the dust had settled.

Then, this morning, my e-mail stopped working.

So, instead of writing a proper blog post, I thought I’d share a few classic tips for internet security, and ask y’all what you are doing to protect your writing and your professional personas on the internet.

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