Elizabeth: Friday Writing Sprint

I can’t believe that I almost forgot it was Friday–it has been so busy this week that I’ve lost track of time.  Fortunately I’ve got a reminder in my phone for Saturday, so I won’t accidentally think it is a work day and login to the office.

Things may have been busy here, but they have been heartbreaking for the folks in the path of the recent hurricanes.  Looking at the devastation of houses leveled, vehicles tossed every which way, and high flood waters, I can’t imagine what it must be like for anyone living through that, even for folks that were prepared and have gone through things like this before.

Thankfully, the biggest problem here at the Writing Castle is keeping the floors clean with a puppy around that likes to dig in the mud and stand in her own water dish–my mop is definitely getting a workout.  While the floors are drying and the puppy is napping, I’m going give today’s writing prompt and random words a workout of their own.

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Elizabeth: Friday Writing Sprint

Happy Fall!  It doesn’t quite feel like it is time for Summer to come to and end already–especially with today’s sunny skies–but the stores have their Halloween displays out; the coffee shops have pumpkin lattes back on the menu; and I’m starting to see ads with “holiday gift ideas” so time is definitely passing.

Here at the Writing Castle, where I’m trying to balance an online meeting with a barking puppy, time seems to be dragging endlessly.  Apparently, the puppy is not in favor of endless work calls.

I second that.

Naturally, the minute I hung up the call, she decided it was time for a nap.  Before she springs back into action, I’m going to try to fit in a few minutes to give today’s writing prompt and random words a try.

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Elizabeth: Friday Writing Sprint

Welcome to the end of another week.  I hope that, like me, you have been able to enjoy some lower temperatures this week and haven’t had to worry so much about melting into a puddle of sweat.

Today it is just beautiful here, which is very timely since I have to do a lot of outdoor work this weekend — removing the plants that didn’t survive the heatwave, trimming back others in readiness for their fall resting period, and a variety of other repairs.  All that while making sure the puppy doesn’t “help” by pulling out plants that that I’d prefer remain in the ground and alive.

Ah, the fun never ends.

Currently, the puppy is sitting out on the deck, staring off into space, apparently thinking deep puppy-thoughts while I’m busy with the day job.  Somewhere along the line there will no doubt be a vigorous game of fetch as well as a walk, once my work meetings are all wrapped up.  I also need to fit in time to give today’s writing prompt and random words a try.

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Elizabeth: Friday Writing Sprint

Happy Friday.  I hope you all were able to enjoy last week’s holiday weekend and/or the last hurrah! of summer and start of a new school year.

Here on the beautiful west coast, we’ve spent the last week with days of “extreme heat” coupled with random power outages and a lack of air conditioning.  Staying inside and trying not to melt into a puddle wasn’t exactly what I was planning to do on my week off work, but at least things seem to be improving.

While hunkering inside and trying not to melt, I was saddened to hear of Queen Elizabeth II’s passing yesterday (and not just because we share a first name).  I follow the Royal Family in my newsfeed and when images of her popped up, it always gave me a feeling of comfort that there was an adult in the room somewhere.  What a long, full life she had.

Now that the week is wrapping up and the temperatures are finaling cooling off a bit, I’m planning to do a little work in the yard–removing the plants that didn’t manage to survive the heat, and planting the plants that I recently started from seed that are bursting out of their pots.  There’s also the day job to take care of too.  Somewhere along the line I plan to give today’s writing prompt and random words a try.

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Elizabeth: Friday Writing Sprint

Happy “National Dog Day“–a chance for dog fans to celebrate their furry friends.  If you’re not a dog fan, well, maybe you can go have a cookie instead.

“The holiday was created in 2004 by Colleen Paige, a Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert and Animal Advocate. She created this day so that all dogs could be celebrated and also to draw attention to the number of dogs in shelters and to encourage adoption to those who have yet to find a place to call home. Since the first celebration in 2004, National Dog Day has grown and is now celebrated across the world. In 2013 the holiday was written into New York legislation and can be seen on the New York State Senate’s website.

My furry friend wants to know why I am spending time on the computer rather than out in the backyard playing fetch.

Somewhere between work and playing fetch, I plan to give today’s writing prompt and random words a try.

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Elizabeth: Friday Writing Sprint

Happy “National Soft Ice Cream Day“–the perfect thing to celebrate on a warm summer day.  Growing up, our family vacation road trips always included a stop at Fosters Freeze or whatever similar establishment we passed along the way. I can almost taste one of those soft-serve cones dipped in rich dark chocolate.

Sounds like a road trip is in order!

Unfortunately, road-tripping will have to wait at least until after the work day is done.  I have a full slate of meetings and a long ToDo list, so I’ll definitely be in the mood for an ice cream treat later.

Ice cream notwithstanding, somewhere along the way I plan to give today’s writing prompt and random words a try.

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Elizabeth: Friday Writing Sprint

Welcome to the end of another week.  For some it’s time to send the kids back to school (already?) for others it’s time to head off on vacation or to finally start tackling some of those projects that have been on the ToDo list since January.

Here at the Writing Castle, it has been time to introduce the puppy to the outside world, now that she has had her vaccinations and is safe to roam about (sort of).  So far it has been a challenging experience:  she thinks the leash is a new chew toy and the few dogs she has met on our walks have puzzled her with their aggressiveness, when all she wants to do is say “hi” and play.

I’m sure we’ll get the hang of things, though maybe not today.

There are a lot of tasks on my ToDo list besides a walk in the park–like the Day Job–but somewhere along the way I plan to give today’s writing prompt and random words a try.

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Elizabeth: Friday Writing Sprint

Happy “National Water Balloon Day“–obviously something created by folks looking for a way to cool off.  No water balloons here, but I do have a kiddie wading pool full of water that the puppy is enjoying splashing around in.

The weather here has cooled in recent days and is beautiful right now–perfect for working in the yard, walking the dog, and just enjoying the garden that has definitely appreciated the little bit of rain we got the other day.  Not enough to put out the various areas that are on fire, but at least it was a start.

Today will be a full work day for me, balancing a host of meetings while puppy wrangling (can you hear the barking from there?).  Somewhere along the way I’ll be giving today’s writing prompt and random words a try at some point.

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Elizabeth: Friday Writing Sprint

Happy Friday!  Hard to believe another month is coming to a close.  I was disconcerted to see back-to-school supplies in the stores a few weeks back, but apparently it is getting to be that time of year already.

I could swear that summer just started!

The weather here at the Writing Castle is beautiful–sunny skies and moderately cool temperatures–a far cry from the heatwaves places were experiencing last week or the flooding in other parts of the country currently.  The slightly cooler temperatures fit right in with “National Lasagna Day“, which is apparently today.

From vegan to seafood and dessert, lasagna fills recipe books around the world. Even the sauces come in a wide variety.  Many families create unique recipes that are passed down from generation to generation, with special sauces, and secret ingredients.  The origin of lasagna is debated with varying theories and, initially, the word lasagna referred to the pot in which the dish was cooked rather than the food. 

I may have to put off celebrating Lasagne Day until the weekend, when I have time to go to the grocery store for ingredients, but I’ll definitely be giving today’s writing prompt and random words a try at some point.

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Elizabeth: Friday Writing Sprint

Is it Friday again?  Seems like the week just started.  Whether your week went by quickly or slowly, I hope it was a good one.

We’ve been having some beautiful summer weather here the last few days — not too hot, not to cold, and no wild-fire smoke in sight.  The “not too hot” part is especially good since I’m in the midst of trying to repair a sprinkler leak and don’t want the plants in the yard dying of thirst while the water is turned off.

According to the calendar, today is “National Hammock Day“, which sounds like a great thing to celebrate.  Now if only I had some sturdy trees and a hammock to string between them, I’d be all set.  Maybe I’ll celebrate “National Mango Day” instead, since I do have a ripe mango.

Did you know that one mango contains almost two and a half times more vitamin C than an orange? Mangoes are also high in vitamins A, B-6 and K, antioxidants, potassium and dietary fiber.

Somewhere in between work, sprinkler repair, puppy wrangling, and mango eating, I’ll be giving today’s writing prompt and random words a try.

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