Jeanne: Things to be Thankful For

It’s been a tough year for most of us, so when Eight Lady Michaeline suggested we each do a post this week that focuses on things we’re grateful for, it sounded like an excellent idea. Here are my gratitude items, in no particular order:

Dogtooth Violet
  1. Only one person in my family has caught Covid-19. My 14-year-old grandson got a very mild case. He only discovered this because he got strep throat and his pediatrician ran a Covid test when he went in for the strep. Although he lives in a household of five, he was apparently perfectly content to hang out in his room with his computer and his Playstation and call for room service as needed.
  2. In addition to staying healthy, my family has managed to stay financially afloat. Since this includes one daughter who is a waitress and another who owns an event venue, this is pretty thank-worthy.
  3. Last spring, authorities shut down my favorite place to hike. This was initially not a gratitude item because it happened just as the woodland ephemerals were coming into bloom. The great thing that happened from this disappointment was that it forced me to break out of my routine and discover a ton of new places to hike. (I took the pictures on this post at a couple of them.)
  4. Places that I love to hike got a lot more crowded. This wasn’t great for me personally, but it’s exciting to see families getting out into nature who weren’t doing that before. I have my fingers crossed that by the time this is over it will be a habit for them because people who love nature, protect nature.
  5. The lack of opportunities to travel this year created a different opportunity–to sit in my chair and work on my current book. Thanks to that extra focus, I expect to finish a first draft before the end of the year.
  6. Last, but certainly not least, I’m thankful for the other Ladies. Behind every successful author is a strong community, and I’m so grateful to have found this one.
Large-flowered trillium

11 thoughts on “Jeanne: Things to be Thankful For

  1. I noticed from your Instagram posts that you were going to new places, Jeanne! And they all look beautiful. I think you’re right, too, that people that go to the parks, protect the parks, so I’m hoping that when this pandemic is over, we’ll have some new, more positive social forces in play.

  2. Thank you for sharing all the positives you have found at this time. Wonderful that you have seen more folks enjoying nature, and that your family is still doing well. Hugs. I miss seeing you and my other writers friends in person.

    • That is definitely one of the things I’m NOT thankful for. I miss our monthly in-person meetings. I’m grateful for Zoom (and Skype and FB rooms), though. They’re not like meeting in person, but they do make it possible to stay in contact. Remember when it cost a fortune to make a long distance call? Now I chat with people in London and Australia on a regular basis for no additional charge beyond my ISP.

  3. I’m thankful for your flower photographs, Jeanne! I’m more than a little bored of walking the streets and footpaths of North London. Sharing your nature hikes is a real pick-me-up. Thank you!

  4. Also, in The Game of Kings, the first book in Dorothy Dunnett’s Lymond Chronicles series, wanted man Lymond sneaks into fortified Edinburgh through a smugglers’ route. One of his first snarky lines of dialogue is to describe himself: “Shy as a dogtooth violet.” There’s some discussion among Lymond fans about it–Lymond is a complex character, given to word games and hidden meanings. I discovered that a dogtooth violet is not a true violet at all–and now I’ve seen a picture of one. Thank you!

  5. BEAUTIFUL PICTURES! I’m so glad you were able to discover new places to explore, and that you and your family are in a good place. Maybe it’s not where we wanted to be when we were dreaming in January 2020, but it’s still a good place if you can find thankfulness for it.

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